Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Ocean in the morning

San Diego. West coast, south California.

Having recently relocated here from Dallas, TX, every morning I have the privilege of walking on the beach with the dog.

Normally she wakes up and needs to go around 7 am. Where does she get the time? I don't know, but it has been 7 am in the last 3 days so I guess she just know when it's time to go and it's always the same time.

A beach that's normally crowded and very popular, Dog Beach (Ocean beach) has a lot to offer at 7 am in terms of breathing and peace. There's nobody there. Just you and the Ocean.

Ok, taking a closer look there's someone there.

Some people surf, maybe before going to work.
Some people run, trying to stay in shape.
Some people like me take the dog out.

No matter what my worries are right now and the uncertainty of this big move, the unemployment, the (lack of) money, the ocean seems to make everything better.

Everything feels better.

So I guess I'll just go with the flow and the local attitude, which suggest to stay positive, enjoy life and live day by day.

I finally can breathe again.

Who knows, I might even go back to writing one of these days...

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